Home Computers and Networking in Hong Kong

Paper presenting survey results on the diffusion of computers in homes, as well as on their use for communications beyond the home.

Home Computers and Networking in Hong Kong

The significance of computers in the home is rapidly changing. Just a few years ago the home computer was little more than a home toy – albeit a potentially educational toy – for the children, occasionally used by the home professional worker for word processing or even for home accounts. Like the television set it was a consumer item, but being stand-alone it even lacked the networked communications links that a TV offers. The PC was, therefore, less intrusive than the television in the social activity of the family. It was just as likely to be located in the children’s bedroom as in the family living room. But as the second TV migrated from living room to bedroom, the PC is migrating from bedroom to living room.

Download the paper here

Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky

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