The Data Revolution: How the Philippines can capture the digital trade opportunity at home and abroad

The Data Revolution: How the Philippines can capture the digital trade opportunity at home and abroad

Besides creating value from abroad through digital exports, digital trade also supports large productivity improvements in the Philippines’s domestic sectors. Yet, traditional economic measures fail to adequately measure the value of digital trade to exports and the Philippines’s economy.

A robust fact base is thus crucial to ensure that the value of digital trade is fully appreciated and taken into account when formulating trade and economic policy. This includes assessing (a) the current and future value of the digital trade opportunity for the Philippines’s exports and the domestic economy; (b) perceived concerns relating to digital trade abroad and how these could be addressed without unduly impeding digital trade flows; (c) priority areas the Philippines could focus on in order to fully harness the benefits while managing the potential risks of digital trade.

This research by AlphaBeta was commissioned by the Hinrich Foundation and supported by Google.

Click for the full report and click below to find out more


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