Google Cloud Region: Driving Higher Economic Activity in the Qatari Economy

Google Cloud Region: Driving Higher Economic Activity in the Qatari Economy

Access Partnership estimated the economic impact arising from establishing a Google Cloud Region in Qatar, based on a new methodology.

The analysis based on the new methodology finds that Google Cloud Region lifts gross economic output in Qatar through its investments in the construction and ongoing operations of Google Cloud infrastructure; the revenue opportunities it creates for its partner ecosystem; and the spillover effects from increased economy-wide production enabled by the productivity gains to businesses and the public sector that use Google Cloud services.

Key messages from the study include:

  • The Google Cloud region in Qatar is estimated to contribute a cumulative USD18.9 billion in higher gross economic output between 2023 and 2030 (equivalent to 11% of 2021 real GDP), and support the creation of 25,000 jobs in 2030 alone.
  • Accelerated adoption of Google’s Cloud services by businesses and the public sector will drive efficiency gains, cost savings, risk mitigation, and support greater scalability.
  • Google’s Cloud services also facilitate more efficient delivery of public services, and could also support broader benefits, including addressing challenges around sustainability, enabling innovation to deliver social impact, and supporting small business growth.

Discover how Google Cloud is propelling economic growth in Qatar and unlocking new opportunities.

This analysis is commissioned by Google Cloud.

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