Access Partnership to Host a Panel Discussion on the EU’s Approach to AI on 19 February in Brussels

19 Feb 2020 | 18:00

AP reception

On 19 February, the European Commission will unveil its latest plans for the digital economy, including a White Paper on AI. Access Partnership will host a panel discussion and drinks reception entitled “How can the EU help European companies compete in the global AI race?”

The panel, composed of policymakers and industry representatives, will discuss the European approach and the existing regulatory framework to AI. We will also identify industry obstacles, particularly those facing start-ups and SMEs, and consider how the EU can help European tech grow and win in AI.

Guest speakers:

  • Yves Paindaveine, Head of Sector, Digitising European Industry Governance, European Commission
  • Eline Chivot, Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Data Innovation
  • Thomas Boué, Director General EMEA, The Software Alliance (BSA)
  • Dr Sebastian Hallensleben, Head of Digitalisation and AI, Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies (VDE)
  • Simona Lipstaite, Senior Manager, Access Partnership

When: 19 February 2020


6pm: Welcome drinks
6.30pm – 7.30pm: Panel discussion
7.30-8.30: Networking reception

Where: The Office; rue d’Arlon 80, 1040 Brussels




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