Spectrum Management: National Policies, Technology Advancements and Best Practices

Recognising the ever-increasing demand and that future use of spectrum resources for machine-to-machine communications will far exceed that of communication between individuals, we consider that there is a need to modernise spectrum management practices employed by regulatory authorities. This paper examines how improved spectrum management practices and the application of technology can help meet the demand for connectivity in the modern age.

Spectrum Management: National Policies, Technology Advancements and Best Practices

The availability of affordable and powerful devices for business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer, and machine-to-machine communications, alongside the expanding suite of cloud based services and applications, as well as voice, data and video content, continues to create increasing demand for communications. This demand fuels competition among service providers and intensifies pressure on network operators to maximise capacity and quality of service at lower cost in an environment of growing commercial scrutiny.

At the same time, policy-makers are increasingly sensitive to the importance of excellent telecommunications infrastructure to deliver on objectives. These include improved economic productivity, medical services, education, social mobility, transportation, and defence and security.

This paper examines how improved spectrum management practices and the application of technology can help meet some of these challenges.


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