Virtual Event | Connectivity Driving Europe’s Recovery

05 May 2021 | 14:00

Access Partnership’s Head of Region for UK & Europe Kaisu Karvala will moderate Telecom Infra Project’s virtual event examining what is needed to achieve the EU’s ambitious digital vision and exploring any divergence between vision and reality.

Some of Europe’s most innovative Mobile Network Operators and SMEs will share thoughts on how to address any gaps, highlighting their role in building up Europe’s Next Generation digital capabilities.  We will hear the views of EU institutions, and explore innovative approaches to telecom infrastructure like OpenRAN – a new paradigm for mobile networks that maximizes flexibility and security while unleashing a new wave of network innovation that will stimulate competition and service innovation, and delivers on Europe’s connectivity ambitions.


  • Filipe Batista, Attaché at the Portuguese Permanent Representation to the European Union
  • Peter Stuckmann (TBC), Head of Unit, Future Connectivity Systems at European Commission & Deputy Director, Future Networks
  • Attilio Zani, Executive Director, Telecom Infra Project
  • Moderator: Kaisu Karvala (Moderator), Head of Europe & UK Region at Access Partnership
  • More speakers and details to come, check the registration page for more info

Register here.

Virtual Event | Connectivity Driving Europe’s Recovery