Americas RISE for Health: Private Sector Insights

Thursday, 06 June 2024 at 4:00 PM ET

Join us for a Fireside Chat with Sarah Aiosa, Senior Vice President and President for Latin America at Merck & Co., known as MSD outside the U.S. and Canada, to discuss the outcomes of the second annual meeting of Americas RISE for Health (RISE), the only public-private platform in the Americas working on issues of health and the economy. This virtual session will provide insights on the multisectoral and regional work being done through the RISE platform and showcase the power of health as a driver for economic growth.

Americas RISE for Health (RISE) is a public-private, multisectoral forum that harnesses the collective strengths of the region’s private sector and civil society in partnership with the region’s governments to build sustainable health economies and ecosystems. Its mission is to identify, catalyze, and accelerate multisectoral collaborations that can be pursued on a voluntary basis to help bring about resilient health ecosystems and economies in the Western Hemisphere.

The Fireside Chat will explore:

  • Health as a tool for economic advancement in the Americas
  • Leveraging a multisectoral platform, like RISE, to accelerate change
  • Concrete ways RISE is making a difference in the Americas


  • Sarah Aiosa, SVP and President for Latin America at Merck & Co., known as MSD outside the U.S. and Canada
  • Patricia Wu, SVP at Access Partnership

There will be 15 minutes for Q&A at the end of the session.

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