A Deep Dive into EU Approach to Space Traffic Management

11th July 2023 at 14.30-15.30 CET

As the EU gears up to establish itself as a global leader in this field, this webinar comes at a critical juncture in the evolution of the global space policy in a time with more and more satellite constellations being launched. Space sustainability is therefore a key part of the general debate surrounding the Union’s approach to using and harnessing the power of space.

This initiative marks the EU’s significant effort towards creating a unified regulatory framework for space sustainability, marking a shift from pooled resources to a rules-based approach. As the regulatory proposal unfolds, all eyes are on how this will shape the future for satellite operators, start-ups, and other stakeholders in the ecosystem.

Tackling the issue of space sustainability requires precise technical knowledge and successful cooperation with the EU’s international partners, as well as multilateral settings such as the United Nations.

This webinar promises to be an enlightening and interactive platform for all participants. It is a unique opportunity to understand the evolving space policy landscape in the EU, engage with industry leaders, and gain insights into the work on the proposal. The Q&A sessions will provide an opportunity for the audience to interact with the speakers and ask questions.


  • Christoph Kautz, Head of Unit for Secure Connectivity, Space Surveillance and Applications in DG Defence Industry and Space of the European Commission
  • Bertrand de Cordoue, Head of EU & NATO Public Affairs – Defence & Space at Airbus
  • Niklas Nienaß, Member of European Parliament (Germany, Greens)

If you would like to attend or receive a recording of the session, register below.

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