Fintech’s Role in SMEs and Inclusive Growth

28 February at 10:00 GMT | 18:00 SGT

How can Fintech supercharge SMEs to build inclusive growth?

SMEs account for 90% of businesses and 50% of employment globally. However, limited financial access and regulatory complexities prevent these firms from realising their full potential, blocking the route to inclusive growth.

Fintech offers a lifeline. With half of the 65 million SMEs in developing countries unable to secure formal credit, collateral-light platforms like Jakarta’s KoinWorks are boosting capital and enabling global connectivity. But hurdles persist.

Join our expert panel as we discuss how governments and industry can leverage digital innovation to build an inclusive environment in which growth is driven from the bottom up.


  • Amira Karim, Public Policy Lead (Payments & Financial Services), Amazon
  • Flora Coleman, Global Director of Policy and Government Relations, Klarna
  • Mimi Zou, Co-Founder, Deriskly
  • Rami Amin, Director Global Engagement and Innovation, Visa
  • Daiana Beitler, SVP Strategic Partnerships and Government Relations, dLocal