Opinion Opinion


Access Alert | Bank Indonesia Announces Plans to Introduce a Domestic Credit Card System

Bank Indonesia (BI) has announced plans to introduce a domestic credit card system to reduce the country’s reliance on foreign...

27 Mar 2023 Opinion
Access Alert | Bank Indonesia Announces Plans to Introduce a Domestic Credit Card System
Access Alert | US National Spectrum Strategy: Comments requested

Access Alert | US National Spectrum Strategy: Comments requested

On 15 March, the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) put forth a request for comments on...

24 Mar 2023 Opinion
Access Alert | Looming Media and Digital Platforms Inquiry in South Africa

Access Alert | Looming Media and Digital Platforms Inquiry in South Africa

On 17 March 2023, the Competition Commission in South Africa published a draft Terms of Reference (ToR) for a market...

23 Mar 2023 Opinion
Access Alert | IPCC releases 2023 Report on Climate Change

Access Alert | IPCC releases 2023 Report on Climate Change

On 20 March 2023, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its latest report, which is likely to be...

23 Mar 2023 Opinion
Access Alert | New Judgment from the Court of Justice of the European Union on Lawful Interception Obligations

Access Alert | New Judgment from the Court of Justice of the European Union on Lawful Interception Obligations

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a judgment on 16 March 2023 regarding the legal framework...

21 Mar 2023 Opinion
Tech Policy Trends 2023 | Cybersecurity

Tech Policy Trends 2023 | Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is critical for companies of all sizes across every industry and region. Governments and organisations also face intense challenges...

20 Mar 2023 Opinion
Independent Thinkers on Digital | The Metaverse Dilemma: Immersion Without Purpose?

Independent Thinkers on Digital | The Metaverse Dilemma: Immersion Without Purpose?

Exploring the Concept of Metaverse Beyond VR Headsets. Richard Harper and William Webb engaged in a conversation about the metaverse....

14 Mar 2023 Opinion
Unravelling the European Commission’s Communication on the European Union Space Strategy for Security and Defence

Unravelling the European Commission’s Communication on the European Union Space Strategy for Security and Defence

On 10 March, the European Commission published the Communication on the European Union Space Strategy for Security and Defence. Amidst...

14 Mar 2023 Opinion
Tech Policy Trends 2023 | Autonomous vehicles

Tech Policy Trends 2023 | Autonomous vehicles

Few technological innovations are more tantalising than self-driving cars. The prospect of autonomous vehicles transforming road safety and revolutionising how...

10 Mar 2023 Opinion
Tech Policy Trends 2023 | Sustainability and the fight for the occupation of space

Tech Policy Trends 2023 | Sustainability and the fight for the occupation of space

Our relationship with outer space has long focused on extending humanity’s reach as far as technology allows. That narrative is...

6 Mar 2023 Opinion
Is a New Era of Aerial Espionage Regulation on the Horizon?

Is a New Era of Aerial Espionage Regulation on the Horizon?

A beautiful childhood memory of mine is the ceremonious balloon launch a few days before Día de Reyes in early...

2 Mar 2023 Opinion
Global Policy Review Podcast | What Needs to Change?

Global Policy Review Podcast | What Needs to Change?

Bridging the Gap Between Game-Changing Technologies and Regulatory Impediments for Equitable Societal Benefits Game-changing technologies are emerging with ever-greater frequency,...

28 Feb 2023 Opinion
Access Alert | FCC plans New Regulatory Framework for Mobile-Satellite Single Network

Access Alert | FCC plans New Regulatory Framework for Mobile-Satellite Single Network

The US Federal Telecommunications Commission (FCC) has started the first regulatory initiative on Supplemental Coverage from Space (SCS), facilitating the...

24 Feb 2023 Opinion
Independent Thinkers on Digital | Are Low Rates of Return Really a Problem for Mobile Operators?

Independent Thinkers on Digital | Are Low Rates of Return Really a Problem for Mobile Operators?

Unpacking the Telecom Industry: Debating Returns on Investment and Market Signals with Richard Feasey William has a fascinating discussion with...

23 Feb 2023 Opinion
Tech Policy Trends 2023 | The future of AI policy

Tech Policy Trends 2023 | The future of AI policy

AI’s evolution could spiral into a revolution over the next 12 months. With deployments already demonstrating the ability to create...

22 Feb 2023 Latest AI Thought Leadership
Access Alert | Real-Time Payments link established between India’s Unified Payments Interface and Singapore’s PayNow

Access Alert | Real-Time Payments link established between India’s Unified Payments Interface and Singapore’s PayNow

Direct cross-border financial transfers between India and Singapore will now be available using just mobile phone numbers (among other methods,...

22 Feb 2023 Opinion
Access Alert | Saudi Arabia’s LEAP 2023 Edition

Access Alert | Saudi Arabia’s LEAP 2023 Edition

The 2nd LEAP tech conference (LEAP 2023), organised by the Saudi Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), was held...

21 Feb 2023 Opinion
Tech Policy Trends 2023 | The Metaverse: exploring its regulatory future

Tech Policy Trends 2023 | The Metaverse: exploring its regulatory future

The metaverse presents a unique challenge for governments and regulators. How do you legislate for an idea that is so...

20 Feb 2023 Opinion
Independent Thinkers on Digital | Regulation of the digital industry, is it still fit for purpose?

Independent Thinkers on Digital | Regulation of the digital industry, is it still fit for purpose?

“William talks with internet economist and widely published expert Roslyn Layton about regulation of the digital industry” It feels that...

16 Feb 2023 Opinion
Access Alert | Enabler for drones beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations in the United Kingdom

Access Alert | Enabler for drones beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations in the United Kingdom

Until the middle of January 2023, drones flying in the UK airspace were only operating on spectrum designated for model...

14 Feb 2023 Opinion
Olympic Esports Week to be hosted 22-25 June 2023 in Singapore

Olympic Esports Week to be hosted 22-25 June 2023 in Singapore

eSports, E-Sports, electronic sports – no matter how you slice it or type it, the term refers to competitive video...

13 Feb 2023 Opinion