APEC Symposium on ‘Good Policy and Regulatory Practices for Facilitating Trade and Investment in Telecommunications and ICT services
TRPC Director Dr. Peter Lovelock’s presentation at the APEC Symposium on ‘Good Policy and Regulatory Practices for Facilitating Trade and...
Don’t Overreact to North Korea’s Attack on Sony – Bloomberg View
7 Dec 18, 2014 12:47 PM EST By The Editors Like so many Hollywood movies, North Korea’s offensive against Sony...
TRPC Managing Director Lim May-Ann quoted on insights magazine article on “As the world embraces cloud, will IBM’s new cloud strategy survive the competition?”
Perceived as one of the business world’s most bureaucratic institutions, IBM has been impressively transparent in advancing its new, cloud-focused...
Cloud Computing: A Soft Target?
The benefits of cloud computing can be harnessed only if information can be accessed and manipulated freely with security and...
Net Neutrality Revisited
Telecom broadband networks that provide fast lane access to the Internet need to be managed, and even more so than...
Theoretical Pragmatism
And this year the Nobel Prize for economics goes to: Jean Tirole, Professor of Economics at the University of Toulouse...
Let Me Say That Again
Apple has finally joined the NFC bandwagon. Let me say that again. Apple is redefining mobile payments. Better? I cannot...
Partners in Development
“Telenor cracks down on Myanmar suppliers to weed out child labour” was a headline in the Financial Times 20 August...
Background Briefing Paper – Asia Pacific Payments and e-Commerce: Cross-Border Trade and Data Flows
A short briefing paper on e-Payments and e-Commerce in Asia Pacific, that was used for our Roundtable event on July...
APEC Digital Opportunity Center Workshop: ICTs and Development
TRPC Director Professor John Ure’s presentation at the APEC Digital Opportunnity Center Workshop: ICTs and Development on 10th July, Taipei....
Report on Cloud Data Regulations: A contribution to how to reduce the compliancy costs of Cross-Border Data Transfers
A joint report for the Asia Pacific Carriers Coalition (APCC) and the Asia Cloud Computing Association (ACCA) June 2014 The purpose...
Consultation Paper to IDA’s Proposed Allocation of Spectrum for International Mobile Telecommunications ("IMT") and IMT-Advanced Services and Options to Enhance Mobile Competition
TRPC helped the SWSPG draft and submit a response to the IDA’s Proposed Allocation of Spectrum for International Mobile Telecommunications...
Samsung’s Woes
Samsung Electronic’s financial projections are out, and corporate officials are alarmed, again. For the second straight quarter, operating profits are...
Like most children I learned from my school days that the Philistines were, well Philistines, which they were not; that...
The World Wide Crimea?
What do Crimea and the Internet have in common? They have both become the terrain of political struggle. And the...
WhatsApp is up, by USD19 billion all told. Why? Why did Facebook pay more than the nominal GDP of 84...
Innovation in Asia Pacific: A New Publication by TRPC and NC APEC
The National Centre for APEC and TRPC collaborated to produce “Leveraging Innovative Solutions to Create Economic Dividends: Case Studies from...
End of the Age of Innocence
2013 was a Year of Revelations. Of those that will have recurring repercussions, the revelations of Edward Snowden must take...
Singapore in 2013: Startups glisten, but broadband needs boost
Our Research Director Lim May-Ann was interviewed and quoted on the state of Internet startups in Singapore. Summary: As Singapore...
OTT: Competing or Collaborating (Indonesia Telecommunications Business)
TRPC Director Professor John Ure’s presentation at the OTT in Indonesia Telecommunications Business at Mastel: Sari Pan Pacific Hotel Jakarta...
ITU Telecom World 2013
TRPC Director Professor John Ure was a Panelist for two sessions during the ITU Telecom World Conference 2013, held in...