Consultation Paper on 2004 Digital 21 Strategy
Consultation Paper on 2004 Digital 21 Strategy: Views Submitted by Dr John Ure, Director of the Telecommunications Research Project, University of Hong Kong.

The Role of Wireless Telecommunications in the Age of Digital Media
Prepared by Andrew Lih, Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University, Journalism and Media Studies Centre.

Mobile Data Communications in China
Prepared by Xu Yan, Department of Information and Systems Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clearwater Bay, Kowloon (Hong Kong)

Perspective on the Mobile Markets in Japan and Korea
The Hong Kong Productivity Council gives a review of the mobile markets and industry models of Korea and Japan.

Perspectives on Mobile Cellular Telecommunications
Paper presented at the Digital News, Social Change and Globalization Conference, 11-12 December 2003, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Regulation and Poverty Reduction
Paper presented at the UNESCAP Forum, 27-28 November 2003, Bangkok.

Telecommunications Privatization: Evidence and Some Lessons
John Ure, Associate Professor and Director of the Telecommunications Research Project (TRP), University of Hong Kong.

Policy-Induced Competition: The Telecommunications Experience
Gerald R. Faulhaber is Chief Economist, Federal Communications Commission (until July 1, 2001), and Professor, Business and Public Policy Department, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Competition and Investment in the Local Loop
Response paper to 'Review of the Regulatory Policy for Type II Interconnection' Consultation Paper, 23 May 2003, OFTA.

The Uncertainties of Broadband: Implications for Unbundling the Local Loop
Presented at the Centre for Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, August 28 2003.

Competition in the Local Loop: Unbundling or Unbungling?
Telecoms Infotech Forum (TIF) Briefing Paper, July 2003.

Hong Kong’s Mobile Market in Perspective
Published in "Hong Kong: The Service Economy", the Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.

The Future of TV in China
Research paper by Terence Graham for the Center for the Future of China,.

Mobile Commerce in Hong Kong
Paper presented to the E-Mob Research Conference, Center for Telecom Management, Davidson Conference Center, Los Angeles, CA., USA, 15 January 2003.

India’s Telecom Market, Policy, and Regulation
Presentation by Dr. T.H. Chowdry, Editor of the Journal of the Centre for Telecom Management and Studies, 9th December 2002.

3G Bidders Misunderstood the Target
Letter to the Editor of the Financial Times, published 28 November (London edition) and 2 December (International edition), 2002.

Auctions, Sunk Costs, and Other Arcane 3G Issues
The pre-publication version of '3G Auctions - A Change of Course' that appears as chapter lll.ii in Robin Mansell, Rohan Samarajiva and Amy Mahan (2002) Networking Knowledge for information Societies: Institutions & Intervention, Delft University Press: a festschrift for Professor William Melody.

3G on the Line – A Response
Original editorial and letter responses by John Ure.

E-Government in China
Pre-publication version of the chapter to appear in Zhang Junhua, Martin Woesler, eds.(2002) China's Digital Dream.

China’s Telecoms and IT Sectors: Planning and the WTO?
Working Paper by John Ure, Director of the Telecommunications Research Project at the University of Hong Kong.

De-Constructuring 3G and Reconstructing Telecoms?
Working Paper by John Ure, Director of the Telecommunications Research Project at the University of Hong Kong.