Lifting Productivity: Google Cloud Regions

Lifting Productivity: Google Cloud Regions

Lifting Productivity: Google Cloud Regions (preliminary analysis)

AlphaBeta (part of Access Partnership) has been commissioned by Google to develop preliminary estimates of the economic impact from increased adoption of Google’s cloud services across a number of economies.

Adoption of Google’s cloud services by businesses and the public sector will enable cost savings, risk mitigation, and support greater scalability in each of these economies. These effects will help lift productivity, supporting economic growth and job creation, and facilitate more efficient delivery of public services. The detailed productivity gains for individual countries can be found in the preliminary analysis note below.

These preliminary estimates are based on information available at the time of the analysis, and would be updated in future analyses to take into account the latest information. The information used in this analysis is derived or estimated by AlphaBeta (part of Access Partnership), using publicly available information. No information for this analysis was provided by Google.

Preliminary Analysis

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