Capturing the prize: The A$200 billion opportunity in 2030 for the Australian food and agribusiness sector

Capturing the prize: The A$200 billion opportunity in 2030 for the Australian food and agribusiness sector

Commissioned by Food Innovation Australia Limited (FIAL), the Food and Agribusiness Growth Centre, Capturing the Prize takes into account the 10 Future Trends and identifies 19 Growth Opportunities that – if pursued – will unlock the sector’s untapped potential of over A$200 Billion within the decade. By 2030, the number of jobs associated with these opportunities could support 842,000 direct jobs. This report also covers the changes in the occupation mix and required skills, and provides policy recommendations.

Click “More” below to access the report. This report was widely featured by several media platforms including Australian Institute of PackagingFuture Food SystemsFood Magazine and Farm Online.


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