PECC Singapore Conference 2015: Achieving Inclusive Economic Growth in the New Normal

TRPC Director Dr. Peter Lovelock joined the discussion for “Session 1: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in a Changing Global Context: Risks and Opportunities” at the PECC Singapore Conference 2015: Achieving Inclusive Economic Growth in the New Normal on the 27th of February 2015 at Orchard Hotel Singapore. The event was co-organized by SINCPEC and PPECC


The Philippines takes on the chairing of APEC at a time of tremendous change in the regional and international economy. The recovery from the Global Financial Crisis remains fragile and to a large extent dependent on extraordinary economic stimulus. During the APEC leaders’ meeting in Beijing, key decisions were taken to make progress on key elements of the regional agenda, including on a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific and improving connectivity. The challenge is how regional economies can implement these plans to ensure than regional growth is not only sustainable but also inclusive.