Artificial Intelligence (AI) could have far-reaching effects on economies and societies in Asia. In Southeast Asia alone, firms that proactively adopt AI reported up to 15 percent higher profit margins than the industry average across different industry sectors, and AI adoption has risen rapidly in a short period of time from 8 percent of businesses in 2017 to 14 percent in 2018.
However, little is still known about the impact of AI on the future of work in the region. What is the impact on jobs? What skills will be valuable in the future? How can governments, employers and civil society actors help unlock the value of AI and propel Asian economies into the future, while mitigating potential risks?
To address these questions, Microsoft commissioned AlphaBeta to develop this research to analyse the existing evidence base on AI across 11 countries in Asia. In addition to reviewing evidence of the impact to jobs and skills, this report also offers more than 40 regional examples of policies and programs which hold lessons for how Asian countries may respond to the implications of AI for work.
Click here for the full report, and click “More” below for coverage by Microsoft.