Launch of AlphaBeta’s report on Malaysia’s digital economy

Launch of AlphaBeta’s report on Malaysia’s digital economy

On Thursday 21 October, Google and AlphaBeta released a report “Positioning Malaysia as a regional leader in the digital economy” that sizes the potential economic value of technology applications for Malaysia, and identifies key actions needed to capture this opportunity. If fully leveraged by 2030, digital technologies could create up to MYR257 billion (USD61.3 billion) in economic value. There are three areas of action required for the country to fully capture its digital opportunity: (i) facilitate digitalisation in both the public and private sectors; (ii) build the nation’s digital talent, and (iii) promote digital trade opportunities.

After the launch, AlphaBeta also hosted a roundtable with local media outlets.

A summary video of the report is available here and the full report can be accessed by clicking the “More” button below.


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