Tag archive: 3g
3G Auctions: A Change of Course (in Networking Knowledge for Information Societies: Institutions & Intervention)
3G Auctions: A Change of Course in Networking Knowledge for Information Societies: Institutions & Intervention Edited by Robin Mansell, Rohan...
26 Mar 2012

3G in Macau
Presented at the Macau Consumer Council, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Macau, 12th February 2007.
12 Feb 2007

3G Bidders Misunderstood the Target
Letter to the Editor of the Financial Times, published 28 November (London edition) and 2 December (International edition), 2002.
2 Dec 2002

Auctions, Sunk Costs, and Other Arcane 3G Issues
The pre-publication version of '3G Auctions - A Change of Course' that appears as chapter lll.ii in Robin Mansell, Rohan Samarajiva and Amy Mahan (2002) Networking Knowledge for information Societies: Institutions & Intervention, Delft University Press: a festschrift for Professor William Melody.
30 Jun 2002

3G on the Line – A Response
Original editorial and letter responses by John Ure.
18 Jun 2002