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Tag archive: AI Governance

Access Alert: Key takeaways from the ITU Council 2024

Background The annual meeting of the ITU Council took place in Geneva from 4-14 June 2024. This year, the Council...

20 Jun 2024 Opinion
Access Alert: Key takeaways from the ITU Council 2024
Key Takeaways from the AI Seoul Summit 2024

Key Takeaways from the AI Seoul Summit 2024

The second AI Safety Summit in Seoul, South Korea, concluded with advancements in AI governance and international cooperation. Over two...

22 May 2024 AI Policy Lab
Access Alert: United Nations Publishes Interim Report on Governing AI for Humanity

Access Alert: United Nations Publishes Interim Report on Governing AI for Humanity

In an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) impacts our lives every day, the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General initiated an important...

22 Dec 2023 Latest AI Thought Leadership
Access Alert: Landmark agreement reached on EU AI Act

Access Alert: Landmark agreement reached on EU AI Act

After three days of intense negotiations, late on Friday 8 December, EU policymakers reached a milestone political-level agreement on the...

11 Dec 2023 Latest AI Thought Leadership
Access Alert: President Biden Issues Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence 

Access Alert: President Biden Issues Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence 

On 30 October, US President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order (EO) containing an array of directives centred on Artificial...

31 Oct 2023 Latest AI Thought Leadership
AI Governance: A View from the States

AI Governance: A View from the States

Recent advances in artificial intelligence have captured the public’s imagination. AI-powered tools seem poised to unlock human productivity by helping...

31 Oct 2023 AI Policy Lab
AI Governance: A View from the States

AI Governance: A View from the States

Recent advances in artificial intelligence have captured the public’s imagination. AI-powered tools seem poised to unlock human productivity by helping...

17 Oct 2023 AI Policy Lab events