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Tag archive: Cybersecurity

Economic Impact Report: Turning Australia’s AI opportunities into impact with Google

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly enabling solutions to the challenges we face in our lives. Australia is recognising the transformative...

11 Jun 2024 General
Economic Impact Report: Turning Australia’s AI opportunities into impact with Google
Economic Impact Report: Advancing Hong Kong’s economic growth through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital innovation with Google

Economic Impact Report: Advancing Hong Kong’s economic growth through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital innovation with Google

The global rise of artificial intelligence (AI) presents Hong Kong with a unique opportunity to accelerate economic growth. By embracing...

5 Jun 2024 General
Economic Impact Report: Strengthening Singapore’s AI Leadership with Google

Economic Impact Report: Strengthening Singapore’s AI Leadership with Google

Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications and tools, including generative AI, are unlocking significant economic benefits. From automating repetitive tasks to boosting...

26 May 2024 Reports
Access Alert: NIST publishes Cybersecurity Framework 2.0

Access Alert: NIST publishes Cybersecurity Framework 2.0

The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published the final version of its Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 (CSF 2.0)...

7 Mar 2024 Opinion
Access Alert: US Department of Commerce issues Proposed Rulemaking on Cybersecurity and AI for IaaS providers

Access Alert: US Department of Commerce issues Proposed Rulemaking on Cybersecurity and AI for IaaS providers

On 29 January, the US Department of Commerce, through the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) and its newly-created Office...

2 Feb 2024 Opinion
Access Alert: Proposed Cybersecurity (Amendment) Bill by the Cybersecurity Agency of Singapore

Access Alert: Proposed Cybersecurity (Amendment) Bill by the Cybersecurity Agency of Singapore

On 15 December 2023, the Cybersecurity Agency of Singapore (CSA) released the draft Cybersecurity (Amendment) Bill. This Bill is an...

19 Jan 2024 Opinion
Access Alert: ASEAN Digital Economy Framework Agreement – stepping into 2024

Access Alert: ASEAN Digital Economy Framework Agreement – stepping into 2024

ASEAN announced the ASEAN Digital Economy Framework Agreement (DEFA) in September 2023,[1] launching it during the 10th ASEAN Economic Community...

13 Dec 2023 Opinion
Access Alert: European Institutions reach trilogue agreement on Cyber Resilience Act

Access Alert: European Institutions reach trilogue agreement on Cyber Resilience Act

Co-legislators in the EU institutions reached a trilogue agreement on the proposal for a Cyber Resilience Act following a late-night...

4 Dec 2023 Opinion
Access Partnership at the Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building

Access Partnership at the Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building

Access Partnership actively participated in the inaugural Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building (GC3B) held in Accra, Ghana, last week,...

4 Dec 2023 Opinion
Access Alert: Belgian Public Consultation on the Implementation of the EU NIS2 Directive

Access Alert: Belgian Public Consultation on the Implementation of the EU NIS2 Directive

The Belgian Center for Cybersecurity (CCB) has launched a public consultation on a preliminary draft Law Establishing a Framework for...

23 Nov 2023 Opinion
Economic Impact Report: Google’s role in helping Indonesia build a safe and productive society through digital tools

Economic Impact Report: Google’s role in helping Indonesia build a safe and productive society through digital tools

The Indonesian Government has launched the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045 to realize its vision of a Golden Indonesia...

27 Oct 2023 AI Policy Lab reports
CCAPAC Annual Report: Critical Information Infrastructure and Supply Chain Security

CCAPAC Annual Report: Critical Information Infrastructure and Supply Chain Security

Access Partnership’s Coalition for Cybersecurity in Asia-Pacific (CCAPAC) has published a new report on Critical Information Infrastructure and Supply Chain...

17 Oct 2023 Reports
Economic Impact Report: Embracing AI and boosting cybersecurity in Japan with Google

Economic Impact Report: Embracing AI and boosting cybersecurity in Japan with Google

Japan is known for its established research & development (R&D) sector, manufacturing excellence and advancements in areas such as robotics....

6 Oct 2023 AI Policy Lab reports
Tech Policy Trends 2023: Prediction Scorecard

Tech Policy Trends 2023: Prediction Scorecard

Access Partnership has been at the forefront of monitoring and influencing the global technology landscape since 1999. For the past...

4 Sep 2023 Opinion
Evolving cyber governance in the US

Evolving cyber governance in the US

Today, the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released its report on the Vulnerability Disclosure Policy program, indicating that...

25 Aug 2023 Opinion
Unpacking US National Cybersecurity Strategy: Global Implications

Unpacking US National Cybersecurity Strategy: Global Implications

How do we build a secure digital ecosystem? On 9 May, Access Partnership hosted a webinar on the challenges and...

15 May 2023 Opinion
Direct to Device: A Frontier of Cybersecurity Challenges

Direct to Device: A Frontier of Cybersecurity Challenges

Our dependence on satellite communications and the networks that enable them is increasing. Satellite-Mobile integration may further extend this reliance,...

11 May 2023 Opinion
Access Alert | Reflections on Mexico’s Cybersecurity Bill

Access Alert | Reflections on Mexico’s Cybersecurity Bill

On 25 April – three days before the legislative summer recess – Congress introduced the long-awaited cybersecurity bill. Totalling 92...

10 May 2023 Opinion
Access Partnership Attends the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Global Privacy Summit 2023

Access Partnership Attends the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Global Privacy Summit 2023

Last week, Erik Jacobs attended the two-day IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2023 in Washington, DC. The event convened experts to...

13 Apr 2023 Opinion
Unpacking US National Cybersecurity Strategy: Global Implications

Unpacking US National Cybersecurity Strategy: Global Implications

Cybercrime has become one of the fastest-growing criminal industries globally, with a staggering $7 trillion USD lost in 2022 alone....

13 Apr 2023 Events
Risk-Based Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure: A Policymaker’s Guide

Risk-Based Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure: A Policymaker’s Guide

Access Partnership’s Coalition for Cybersecurity in Asia-Pacific (CCAPAC) has published a new report examining critical information infrastructure and how to...

20 Mar 2023 Reports