Tag archive: digital divide
Should Regulators Be Closing the Skies or the Digital Divide?
Since satellites provide global connectivity, their frequencies are coordinated internationally by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to avoid interference, as...

Access Alert: Key takeaways from the ITU Council 2024
Background The annual meeting of the ITU Council took place in Geneva from 4-14 June 2024. This year, the Council...

Key Takeaways from the AI Seoul Summit 2024
The second AI Safety Summit in Seoul, South Korea, concluded with advancements in AI governance and international cooperation. Over two...

The human cost of AI: Is data labelling creating digital sweatshops?
Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed incredible growth over the past year. Platforms like ChatGPT and Midjourney are extending the...

How the Digital Divide Affects the LGBTQ+ Community
Around the world, a broad spectrum of advocacy groups, think tanks, and international fora have increasingly called for the need...

Access Alert | LATAM countries continue to promote connectivity
This week, three LATAM markets – Costa Rica, Peru, and Uruguay – have had relevant policy and market developments that...