Tag archive: digital payments
Transforming Trade: Cross-border E-commerce Trends in Taiwan
While physical retail remains popular, the cross-border e-commerce market has experienced remarkable growth, with global retail e-commerce sales more than...

Indonesia’s booming app economy: Google Play has helped Indonesian developers earn IDR 2.14 trillion in 2023
Baca kontennya dalam Bahasa Indonesia di sini. Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous nation, is experiencing a mobile revolution. With...

Access Alert: Singapore announces cross-border payment links with Indonesia and Malaysia
Singapore announced cross-border payment links with Indonesia and Malaysia at the Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) 2023 on 17 November 2023....

Access Alert: Exploring the FinTech landscape in Saudi Arabia
Background Saudi Arabia’s Financial Sector Development Program (FSDP) and subsequent FinTech Strategy Implementation Plan, both part of Vision 2030, aim...

FinTech in Latin America: Five de-risking strategies for entering the digital payments markets
Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, non-traditional payment methods such as digital wallets and app-based transactions comprised 31% of all e-commerce...

FinTech in Latin America: Five de-risking strategies for entering the digital payments markets
The webinar will explore the rapidly transforming landscape of digital finance in Latin America. We will delve into the rise...

Access Alert | Bank Indonesia Announces Plans to Introduce a Domestic Credit Card System
Bank Indonesia (BI) has announced plans to introduce a domestic credit card system to reduce the country’s reliance on foreign...