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Tag archive: Digitalisation

Economic Impact Analysis Report: Impact of Cloud Adoption for SMMEs in South Africa and Unlocking Benefits Through AWS

The 2030 Vision in South Africa’s National Development Plan (NDP) outlines that small, micro, and medium enterprises (SMMEs) should create...

13 Nov 2023 Reports
Economic Impact Analysis Report: Impact of Cloud Adoption for SMMEs in South Africa and Unlocking Benefits Through AWS
Access Alert | Ecuador Digital Transformation Bill Advances in Congress

Access Alert | Ecuador Digital Transformation Bill Advances in Congress

On 23 November, President Guillermo Lasso sent the bill for Audiovisual and Digital Transformation to the National Assembly (NA). This...

9 Dec 2022 Opinion
Enabling the Digitalisation of SMEs

Enabling the Digitalisation of SMEs

How FinTech can Unleash Digital Opportunities Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a critical role in all economies, accounting for...

4 Jul 2022 Opinion