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Tag archive: Google PLay

An Innovating and Thriving App Landscape in Japan

投稿を日本語で読んでください In the fast-paced digital economy, Japanese app developers are harnessing their creativity and technical prowess to create innovative apps...

27 Jun 2024 Opinion
An Innovating and Thriving App Landscape in Japan
Indonesia’s booming app economy: Google Play has helped Indonesian developers earn IDR 2.14 trillion in 2023

Indonesia’s booming app economy: Google Play has helped Indonesian developers earn IDR 2.14 trillion in 2023

Baca kontennya dalam Bahasa Indonesia di sini. Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous nation, is experiencing a mobile revolution. With...

20 Jun 2024 Opinion
Android’s Economic and Social Impact in Mexico

Android’s Economic and Social Impact in Mexico

Mexico is one of the fastest-growing mobile economies in the region, offering a relatively young and expanding mobile market with...

26 Apr 2024 Reports
Driving Brazil’s app ecosystem: The economic impact of Google Play and Android

Driving Brazil’s app ecosystem: The economic impact of Google Play and Android

With the largest Internet population in Latin America and the fourth-largest market for app adoption globally, Brazil is an established...

15 Apr 2024 Opinion

Launchpad for Australia’s app economy

Google Play helps developers grow and boost their reach The digital economy relies on speed and scale – a fact...

11 Mar 2024 Opinion
Accelerating the app economy in Indonesia: Android and Google Play’s impact in Indonesia

Accelerating the app economy in Indonesia: Android and Google Play’s impact in Indonesia

Indonesia has become one of the fastest-growing mobile economies in the world, with an increasingly mobile-engaged population of more than...

8 Aug 2023 Reports
Propelling Indonesia’s digital economy: How Google Play helped Indonesian app developers generate over Rp 1.5 trillion in 2022

Propelling Indonesia’s digital economy: How Google Play helped Indonesian app developers generate over Rp 1.5 trillion in 2022

Baca kontennya dalam Bahasa Indonesia di sini. With over 212 million internet users,[1] Indonesia’s digital economy has seen vigorous growth...

29 May 2023 Opinion