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Tag archive: investment

The State of Cybersecurity in Africa: The Chinese Effect

Introduction In Africa, core services such as communications, electric grids, transport systems, health services, and smart cities, are increasingly dependent...

23 Jun 2022 Opinion
The State of Cybersecurity in Africa: The Chinese Effect
European Commission: Study on the Future Opportunities and Challenges of EU-China Trade and Investment Relations

European Commission: Study on the Future Opportunities and Challenges of EU-China Trade and Investment Relations

EU-China Trade and Investment Relations – Study 10 of 12: Telecommunications Services .

1 Mar 2007 Reports
FDI in Telecommunications Services Asia

FDI in Telecommunications Services Asia

Presented at the High-Level Policy Seminar on Services, FDI, and Competitiveness in Asia, UNCTD and ASEAN, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, 2-4 March 2004.

2 Mar 2004 Reports
Competition and Investment in the Local Loop

Competition and Investment in the Local Loop

Response paper to 'Review of the Regulatory Policy for Type II Interconnection' Consultation Paper, 23 May 2003, OFTA.

30 Aug 2003 Reports