Tag archive: Japan
Passenger Transportation in Japan: Challenges and outlook with ongoing societal changes in less connected areas
投稿を日本語で読む Authors: Abhineet Kaul (Access Partnership), Swee Cheng Wei (Access Partnership), Chailyn Ong (Access Partnership) Advisors: Dr. Tomoaki Watanabe (GLOCOM),...
Economic Impact Report: Google’s role in helping Indonesia build a safe and productive society through digital tools
The Indonesian Government has launched the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045 to realize its vision of a Golden Indonesia...
Economic Impact Report: Embracing AI and boosting cybersecurity in Japan with Google
Japan is known for its established research & development (R&D) sector, manufacturing excellence and advancements in areas such as robotics....
Access Alert: Japan’s plan for the G7 AI Hiroshima Process
Japan’s Strategic AI Council recently published its plans to make progress on the G7 Hiroshima AI Process. To recap, the...
The Economic Impact of Generative AI: The Future of Work in Japan
Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds much promise for Japan, with the Japanese Government’s AI Strategic Council recognising the country’s high degree...
Access Alert | Japanese investment in digital transformation will include Metaverse and NFTs
The Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, announced this week that the country will promote efforts to expand the use...
Accelerating Digital Transformation Policy in Japan, United Kingdom, Singapore, and Asia-Pacific
Overview On 21 July 2022, Access Partnership held a webinar on accelerating digital transformation policy in Japan, UK, Singapore, and...
Strategy for revival of the Japanese Semiconductor Industry
In 1988, Japan’s global market share in the semiconductor industry was larger than that of the US’s and in fact...
Tapping on the Digital Economy to Build Competitiveness and Resilience in Japan
In partnership with GLOCOM, the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), and Keio International Center for the Internet & Society...
Macro-Economic Effects of Telecoms Reform
Presentation by Prof John Ure to the APEC Economic Committee, Hiroshima, Japan 25 February 2010 Documents Internal Copy
Perspective on the Mobile Markets in Japan and Korea
The Hong Kong Productivity Council gives a review of the mobile markets and industry models of Korea and Japan.