Tag archive: John Ure
FT Letter: Utility-style regulation is a way to curb Big Tech
Image: Alfred E Kahn © Walt Disney Television via Getty From John Ure, Director TRPC, Singapore, Fellow of the Centre...

TRPC Director on FT, 8 Mar 2015: “Society is hardly in need of champions of technology”
March 8, 2015 11:01 pm Society is hardly in need of champions of technology Sir, Jérôme Wittamer (Letters, March 6)...

Accounting for Kowtow? You can Bank on it!
It was May 1989. I had arrived in January in Hong Kong as a visiting research fellow at the University...

APEC Digital Opportunity Center Workshop: ICTs and Development
TRPC Director Professor John Ure’s presentation at the APEC Digital Opportunnity Center Workshop: ICTs and Development on 10th July, Taipei....

Move Uber Please
In a benign Internet world, the emergence of a “caring, sharing” economy would be something to look forward to. For...

Like most children I learned from my school days that the Philistines were, well Philistines, which they were not; that...

Fewer, if not few, people have much trust in the banking and financial system after recent experiences of inter-bank rate...

The World Wide Crimea?
What do Crimea and the Internet have in common? They have both become the terrain of political struggle. And the...

WhatsApp is up, by USD19 billion all told. Why? Why did Facebook pay more than the nominal GDP of 84...

End of the Age of Innocence
2013 was a Year of Revelations. Of those that will have recurring repercussions, the revelations of Edward Snowden must take...

OTT: Competing or Collaborating (Indonesia Telecommunications Business)
TRPC Director Professor John Ure’s presentation at the OTT in Indonesia Telecommunications Business at Mastel: Sari Pan Pacific Hotel Jakarta...

ITU Telecom World 2013
TRPC Director Professor John Ure was a Panelist for two sessions during the ITU Telecom World Conference 2013, held in...

Memories and Symbols
This month 2 images caught my eye. First, the outpouring of grief and admiration for Nelson Mandela. There has rarely...

Internet Business Economics and Policy
A Presentation by Professor John Ure at NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy on the Internet Economy and...

Internet of Things: How to Know the Future?
A Presentation by Professor John Ure at the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance Conference on 18-Nov 2013 college paper writing service reviews...

The Philippines
In the 1950s Manila was the banking capital of Asia. The Philippines had more telephones per head than Hong Kong....

Trade Liberalization versus Industrial Policy
Bilateral, regional and global trade agreements are all part of the modern landscape of international economic relationships. They are based...

Just Thinking
There is little point in saying something for the sake of it. A journo, a politician, a blogger, is often...

Another Age
I have just finishing reading the posthumously published lectures of British Marxist historian, Eric Hobsbawm who died October 2012. Fractured...

The Revenge of Cybernetics?
If the “medium is the message” then the message in the age of the Internet is that everything we now...

Try Forecasting the Past
In 2010, Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, two respected Harvard economists, shot to fame for publishing a paper that seemed...