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Tag archive: Tech Policy

Access Alert: Navigating new horizons in European tech policy

On 14 May, Access Partnership held a private EU briefing in Brussels with industry leaders and EU policymakers. The session...

17 May 2024 Opinion
Access Alert: Navigating new horizons in European tech policy
Tech Policy Trends 2023: Prediction Scorecard

Tech Policy Trends 2023: Prediction Scorecard

Access Partnership has been at the forefront of monitoring and influencing the global technology landscape since 1999. For the past...

4 Sep 2023 Opinion
Access Alert | Saudi Arabia’s LEAP 2023 Edition

Access Alert | Saudi Arabia’s LEAP 2023 Edition

The 2nd LEAP tech conference (LEAP 2023), organised by the Saudi Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), was held...

21 Feb 2023 Opinion
The 118th Congress: The Future of Tech Policy Under Divided Government

The 118th Congress: The Future of Tech Policy Under Divided Government

Tensions in Congress show no signs of easing. Republican control of the House poses numerous implications for tech policy in...

9 Feb 2023 Reports
Access Alert | Brazil’s Upcoming Agenda for Tech and Privacy Regulation

Access Alert | Brazil’s Upcoming Agenda for Tech and Privacy Regulation

On 4 November, Brazil’s National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) launched its 2023-2024 Regulatory Agenda following a consultation process from August...

11 Nov 2022 Opinion
Access Alert | Gustavo Petro vs. Rodolfo Hernández, What Are Their Tech Policy Agendas for the Upcoming Colombian Administration?

Access Alert | Gustavo Petro vs. Rodolfo Hernández, What Are Their Tech Policy Agendas for the Upcoming Colombian Administration?

Gustavo Petro, former mayor of Bogotá from the left wing (Historical Pact) and Rodolfo Hernández, a businessman representing the non-traditional...

15 Jun 2022 Opinion
Access Alert | The Summit of the Americas 2022: A Tech Policy Brief

Access Alert | The Summit of the Americas 2022: A Tech Policy Brief

From 6-10 June, government, businesses, civil society, and youth leaders from the Americas convened in Los Angeles, California, for the...

14 Jun 2022 Opinion