Dr. Peter Lovelock

Between 1999 and 2004, Peter built and ran China’s leading IT research consultancy. Prior to that, he was a lead policy analyst at the UN in Geneva.

APEC Third Senior Officials’ Meeting 2024: 6 Insights from Digital Week

APEC Third Senior Officials’ Meeting 2024: 6 Insights from Digital Week

The Third Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM3) of APEC 2024 brought together leaders and experts to address some of the most...

27 Aug 2024 Opinion
Key Takeaways from the APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade and Second Senior Officials Meeting

Key Takeaways from the APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade and Second Senior Officials Meeting

Member economies from the 21 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) countries convened in Arequipa, Peru, from May 4-18. Several working groups...

20 May 2024 Opinion
Responsible AI Readiness Index (RARI)

Responsible AI Readiness Index (RARI)

In an era where AI increasingly influences every aspect of society, the need for responsible and ethical practices has become...

11 Apr 2024 General
FinTech’s Role in SMEs and Inclusive Growth

FinTech’s Role in SMEs and Inclusive Growth

SMEs account for 90% of businesses and 50% of employment globally. However, limited financial access and regulatory complexities prevent these...

29 Feb 2024 Opinion
Responsible AI in Southeast Asia: Tracking Progress and Benchmarking Impact

Responsible AI in Southeast Asia: Tracking Progress and Benchmarking Impact

From robotic intelligence and intelligent automation to natural language processing, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly embedded into all manner of...

29 Sep 2023 Reports
PECC Signature on the Digital Economy

PECC Signature on the Digital Economy

Primer on Economical Integration Issues Posed by the Digital Economy Digital technologies are rapidly transforming the world as we know...

9 Nov 2021 Reports
Regulating for a Digital Economy: Understanding the Importance of Cross-Border Data Flows in Asia

Regulating for a Digital Economy: Understanding the Importance of Cross-Border Data Flows in Asia

Unprecedented increases in global data flows have led to new economic and trade opportunities around the world, where Asia Pacific,...

20 Mar 2018 Reports