Dr. Sergio Rodriguez-Albarran
Sergio has collaborated on numerous multidisciplinary projects involving electronics, RF and microwave design, simulation construction, and testing.

Access Alert: The rescue of Voyager II and the future of space debris
During the Cold War, the space race produced some of the greatest discoveries and achievements in the history of aerospace...

Technology for a greener future: How are new trends tackling global warming?
Last summer, temperatures in London hit 40º Celsius during a month-long heatwave that caused an unprecedented drought. This summer, the...

Is a New Era of Aerial Espionage Regulation on the Horizon?
A beautiful childhood memory of mine is the ceremonious balloon launch a few days before Día de Reyes in early...

The future of drones: how will public perception change for future generations?
The common yet intrusive sound of flying insects buzzing towards our personal space is what gave drones their name. It...

Manned and unmanned aircraft: how can they coexist? The latest developments to secure drone integration in airports around the world
It is no secret that the presence of drones in our daily lives has raised many questions, ranging from “are...

Drones at mass events: from rogue observers to future enforcers? The role of UAVs at the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022
Human nature is fascinating. We continuously extend our capabilities through outstanding discoveries or technological innovations, and sight is a clear...