Trust and Transparency: Building Ethical Frameworks for Tech-Driven Governance

26 March, registration opens at 18:30 GMT


Join Access Partnership in celebrating the 6th Anniversary of the TIPS Network with a thought-provoking exploration of how technology reshapes public policy and governance. This gathering will succinctly address the intertwining of digital and AI technologies with public policy, the criticality of data protection under GDPR, and the ethical challenges facing tech companies today.

Our discussions will pave the way for understanding the dynamic influence of technology on policy development and implementation. Afterward, we invite you to engage further over drinks and canapés, offering a perfect setting for networking and reflection.


  • Aïda Ndiaye, Head of Policy Campaigns, Meta
  • Dr. Roxana Bratu, Senior Lecturer in Public Policy King’s College London
  • Jonathan Armstrong, Adjunct Professor, Fordham Law School
  • Sofia Tirini, Manager, Connectivity, Access Partnership
Trust and Transparency: Building Ethical Frameworks for Tech-Driven Governance