29 April 2021: TRP Knowledge Café – Data on Walking

29 Apr 2021 | 00:00
Date:  29 April 2021, 3:00 – 4:00 pm (HKT)

Data on Walking: What do we have – what do we need to increase walkability?

Walking is the most common form of getting around in Hong Kong, and the mobility mode with the lowest carbon footprint; however, it often doesn’t get a lot of attention in smart city planning and blueprints. There is little data collected on pedestrians, and while the Lands Department recently added a 3D pedestrian network data set to Data.gov.hk, Hong Kong has yet to adopt walking data standards.

For this Knowledge Café, we have invited Daniel Sauter from Zurich, who is leading a working group on International Walking Data Standards, and Bronwen Thornton from the Walk21 Network to share some insights about international developments to increase collection, access and usage of walking data. We also welcome Nana Shiu from the Walkability Taskforce at the Transport Department to update us on the latest local developments, and look forward to a discussion on integrating walking data into intermodal transport models and planning.

For registration:

Photo by Kaique Rocha from Pexels