Access Alert: Philippines to propose ASEAN legal framework for AI in 2026

Access Alert: Philippines to propose ASEAN legal framework for AI in 2026

The Philippines has announced that it will develop and present a legal framework for artificial intelligence (AI) for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) when it chairs the regional bloc in 2026. This was announced by the Speaker of its House of Representatives, Martin Romualdez, at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The ASEAN Legal Framework for AI is expected to be based on the Philippines’ national draft legislation for AI and will be given as a gift to the regional bloc.

As with the rest of the world, ASEAN’s AI regulatory approach is fragmented, with different governments at different stages in developing their AI policies. The below table summarises the state of AI policy development in ASEAN member states.

ASEAN Member StateAI Regulation, Legislation, and Policy
BruneiNo policy yet, but the Brunei Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry (AITI) has a Strategic Plan 2020-2025 focusing on building a smart nation. The Sultan of Brunei has also made calls for AI Guidelines to shape the country’s smart nation policy:
CambodiaNo policy yet, but the Khmer Times has reported that a report launched by the Cambodian Ministry of Industry, Science Technology & Innovation (MISTI) has focused on AI as a tool for promoting social good, inclusiveness, and responsiveness to change:
IndonesiaUpcoming Presidential Regulation on AI (expected) to support Indonesia following the establishment of Indonesia’s National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). The AI and Cybersecurity Research Centre is to draft new AI regulations.

Indonesia National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence 2020-2045 - Stranas KA (Strategi Nasional Kecerdasan Artifisial) - launched 10 August 2020:
LaosNo policy yet, but there is a National Policy on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which could possibly serve as a guiding document to develop AI plans.
MalaysiaAI Roadmap 2021-2025:

Upcoming AI Governance and Code of Ethics:
MyanmarNo policy yet.
The PhilippinesNational AI Strategy for the Philippines:
SingaporeSingapore National AI Strategy 2.0:

Proposed Model AI Governance Framework for Generative AI:
ThailandThailand National AI Strategy and Action Plan 2022-2027:
VietnamMinistry of Finance (MOF) National Strategy on Research, Development, and Application of Artificial Intelligence until the Year 2030 (Decision 127/QĐ-TTg):
Source: Access Partnership, 2024

Access Partnership and the Data Governance Practice is closely tracking AI policy and regulatory developments around the world. If you would like to add to our table above or receive more information on the state of AI regulations and other related legislative developments in AI, please get in touch with Lim May-Ann at [email protected].

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