Access Alert | UN Envoy on Technology Opens Consultation on Global Digital Compact to enshrine Good Behaviour on the Internet

Access Alert | UN Envoy on Technology Opens Consultation on Global Digital Compact to enshrine Good Behaviour on the Internet

A week ago, on 10 May, the UN’s Envoy on Technology published an open consultation on the upcoming Global Digital Compact, to be implemented at the Summit of the Future in September 2023. The Global Digital Compact is expected to “outline shared principles for an open, free and secure digital future for all”, and is an effort by the international community to develop and enshrine norms rand standards of ‘good behaviour’ on the internet.

Proposed elements being considered for inclusion into the Compact include:

  • Digital connectivity.
  • Avoiding internet fragmentation.
  • Providing people with options as to how their data is used.
  • The application of human rights online.
  • Promoting a trustworthy internet by introducing accountability criteria for discrimination and misleading content.

The Tech Envoy is encouraging broad participation by all stakeholders who will be able to submit their inputs to the consultation via an online survey form. Inputs must be submitted by 30 September 2022 and will be visible to the public once done so.

The Consultation offers non-state stakeholder groups, including civil society, the private sector (including tech companies), grass-roots organizations, academia, and individuals a critical opportunity to share their views on shape the negotiations of the Global Digital Compact by UN member states. Inputs from stakeholders will bare even more weight as the bookend the start of the WSIS 25 review – the process by which UN member states review the international internet governance framework and the future role of the UN’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF).

All inputs will be consolidated by the Secretariat before presentation to UN Member States and the public in preparation for negotiations on Global Digital Compact. The negotiations for the Compact are expected to happen during the 77th session of the UN General Assembly, taking place between 13 and 27 September 2022 – but will certainly run into the start of 2023.

Access Partnership is working to identify points of agreement and divergence between various stakeholders and are working with our clients to make meaningful contributions to the development of the Global Digital Compact. For more information on the Global Digital Compact or for advice on submitting inputs, please contact Gordon Mackay at [email protected], Luminita Tuchel at [email protected] or Bethany Marson at [email protected].

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