IIC Asia Webinar 8 July 2020: Regulation in Times of Pandemic and Lessons for the Future: A View from Southeast Asia

Wednesday 8 July, 2020
 SGT / 0430 EDT / 0930 BST / 1830 AEST
Duration: 1.5 hours

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected different countries at different paces, forcing industry players and regulators, along with governments, to take action to support the strategies of national governments aimed at reducing the risks and negative impact on the economy. The designated ‘three waves’ of reaction to the pandemic have required different measures: Wave 1 was to ensure stability and business continuity while containing the crisis; Wave 2 has required the development of new strategies of working and Wave 3 will be the learnings that are made to ensure resilience in the event of a similar situation.

The essential role of ICT and the digital sectors has been undisputed, enabling and supporting emergency communications, connectivity sustainability and the deployment of infrastructure in urban and rural areas. Regulators have taken a number of steps so that the continuity of services can be guaranteed. As we inch towards the Third Wave, how might these actions inform and facilitate future modernisation of current regulatory frameworks?

Regulators and policy makers from a number of ASEAN economies will discuss the initiatives taken in response to the pandemic against a backdrop of consumer protection and universal access to essential information and services. Ensuring the additional demands for capacity can be answered, infrastructure protection and aid, health management apps and privacy protection, and combatting disinformation will be among the list of important themes for discussion.

Event details

Date: 8th July 2020
Location: Online Meeting
Visit the official event page to download a report of the event or rewatch the session below