Convergence in Hong Kong
Chapter from M.Hukill, R.Ono, and C.Vallath eds. Electronic Communication Convergence: Policy Challenges in Asia, Singapore, 1999.

Activity Based Costing
Presented by Alan Lung, General Manager, ABC Techonologies (Hong Kong) at TRP Lunchtime Seminar, 28 February 2002.

The Future of Digital Entertainment: Interactive TV Revisited
Paper by Dr. Balz Wyss (Seattle) and Mimi Vong (Hong Kong).

Government Online
Presented at APEC Telecoms Working Group (Canberra, Australia - March 2001) and IBM’s E-Government Briefings (Melbourne, Canberra, and Sydney, Australia - June 2001).

Electronic Commerce and Asia
Presentation to the National Science and Technology Development Agency, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Siam City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 23-25 May 2001.

Book Review –Telecommunications Regulation Handbook
Review of Hank Intven (2000) ed. Telecommunications Regulation Handbook, infoDev Program, The World Bank, ISBN #0-9697178-7-3.

Convergence and China’s National Information Infrastructure
Published in M. Hukill, R. Ono, and C. Vallath (eds), Electronic Communication Convergence: Policy Challenges in Asia, Sage Publications, New Delhi, chpt 5, pp.115-147 (2001).

Modelling Critical Mass for E-Commerce: The Case of Hong Kong
Updated version of a paper that first appeared in March 2000, using data collected December 2000.

Response Paper to Licensing Framework for 3G Mobile Services
Response to OFTA's 3G consultation process, including analysis of Comments Received, Preliminary Conclusions, and Further Industry Consultation.

China Telecommunications Regulations 2000
Summary of key points found in China's draft telecommunications regulations, widely circulated in recent weeks.

Third Generation Mobile: To Auction or Not to Auction?
Response to OFTA's Consultation Paper and Reply to Jake van der Kamp, Monitor Column, SCMP.

The Era of International Simple Resale: Not Waving, But Drowning?
Paper published in Telecommunications Policy v.24.2, February 2000.

Broadband Interconnection
A Response to the Consultation of OFTA, 3 November 1999.

Hong Kong as an Internet Financial Hub
Telecoms Infotech Forum (TIF) position paper, September 1999.

Quality Issues and Programme Diversity
Response to the 1998 Review of Television Policy, by Joyce Nip Yee Man and John Ure.

Television Policy In An Era of Convergence
Telecoms Infotech Forum (TIF) position paper, January 1999.

Hong Kong’s Telecommunications Policy
Published in Wong siu-lun and T.Maruya, Hong Kong Economy and Society: Challenges in the New Era, Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong and the Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, 1998 (pp. 39-60).

The Internet in China
Paper presented at the (Mis)Communicating Across Boundaries Conference, 48th Annual Conference of the International Communications Association, Jerusalem, Israel, 20-24 July 1998.

Telecommunications Policy in China: A Two-Tier Bargaining Model
Telecommunications has become one of the anointed ‘pillar industries’ of China’s economic reform program.

Home Computers and Networking In Hong Kong
Results of 1994, 1996, and 1998 TRP surveys on home computers and networking in Hong Kong.

Information society In Hong Kong and Other Asian ‘Tiger’ Economies
For Hong Kong, an island-economy dependent upon its competitiveness as a world financial and trading centre, and as an entrepot to China, the challenge of information technologies is particularly intriguing.