TRPC Director and Founder interview with Financial Times, Delay on Huawei ban doesn’t mean much, won’t last long
Peter Lovelock interview with Financial Times, Delay on Huawei ban doesn’t mean much, won’t last long. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/commentary/huawei-ban-delay-what-it-means-chip-suppliers-trade-war-talks-11553256 Photo by Markus Spiske

TRPC Managing Director interview with TODAY, Mobile phone shops stop buying Huawei phones from customers; anxiety sets in for existing users
Lim May-Ann interview with TODAY, Mobile phone shops stop buying Huawei phones from customers; anxiety sets in for existing users...

Salzburg Questions for Corporate Governance: Is The Board Ready to Address Disruption?
Disruptive innovation is now a fact of life in most industries. Entrepreneurs and established businesses alike are challenging incumbent companies...

Report: Asia-Pacific AI Readiness Index
Research report commissioned by Salesforce (April 2019).

TRPC Director on SCMP, “UK approval of Huawei equipment could sway more European states against US, analysts say”
“The Western security agencies seem to be dancing to slightly different tunes. While they all recognise a potential security risk,...

TRPC Director on SCMP, “US indictments against Huawei a step towards splitting the world’s telecoms industry in two”
“Now we are living in a world of cyber insecurity and every leading telecoms equipment vendor and carrier as well...

TRPC – Refinitiv Forum: Balancing Privacy with Opportunity in Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific Region
Hong Kong

Europe’s Privacy Law: A Barrier to Artificial Intelligence or an Enabler?
Article written for the Salzburg Questions for Corporate Governance by the Salzburg Global Corporate Governance Forum, December 2018.

Report: Accelerating Australia’s Digital Transformation
Research report commissioned by Salesforce (March 2018).

TRPC – Refinitiv Forum: Balancing Privacy with Opportunity in Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific Region
Date: 13 Dec 2018 Time: 8.00am – 10.00am Venue: Refinitiv, 18/F ICBC Tower, 3 Garden Road. Central,...

IIC Singapore – TRPC Forum: Privacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

IIC Thailand – TRPC Forum: Data Privacy as a Competitive Advantage
Bangkok, Thailand

Lessons from the Cathay Breach: Time to Talk Data Classification
“It’s not if, but when”, a phrase almost guaranteed to creep into any event with information security on the menu. Yet beyond the roundtables and fora increasingly devoted to cybersecurity and data privacy, this phrase took on a very real meaning as households in the SAR awoke on October 25th to the possibility that their personal information had been leaked along with some 9 million other Cathay Pacific accounts breached earlier this year.

Myanmar Ramps Up Its Digitalisation Efforts
Presentation of key ICT regulations that will strengthen the country’s budding digital economy.

Indonesia’s Regulatory Ecosystem
Overview of five forthcoming tech regulations and how they may impact the digital economy.

How Data Sharing Can Improve Transport in Hong Kong
Introducing an inter-modal transport project that will make Hong Kong a truly smart city.

Capital Markets for Inclusive Growth
How a multi-dimensional approach can accelerate financial inclusion.

IIC Singapore – TRPC Forum: Privacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 Time: 8.00am – 10.30am Venue: CMS Singapore 7 Straits View, Marina One East Tower #19-01,...

IIC Thailand – TRPC Forum: Data Privacy as a Competitive Advantage
Date: Friday, 2 Nov 2018 Time: 9.00am – 12.00pm Venue: Meeting Room, 24th Building, 15th Floor,...

Bank of Thailand – ADBI Conference on Innovative Finance for Future Growth
TRPC Director Peter Lovelock’s presentation during a panel sessions at the Bank of Thailand’s ADBI conference on “Innovative Finance for...