Events archive

Here you can find archive events

Take a look at some of our previous live seminars and conferences, webinars and podcasts, Access Partnership both hosts and participates in a diverse range of events across the year.

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Key Takeaways From techUK’s Event “Navigating Global Data Governance”

14 Jan 2019
Eight months into the GDPR, it is now time to reflect on what data protection regulatory changes have entailed for…

Joining Forces for Digital Ethics: Takeaways from the TechUK Digital Ethics Summit

12 Dec 2018
TechUK held its second annual Digital Ethics Summit on 12 December, gathering stakeholders in government, industry, and academia to discuss…

Join Access Partnership at CIO100 East Africa in Kenya on 29 and 30 November 2018

29-30 Nov 2018
Access Partnership’s Director for Emerging ICT Markets Christopher Casarrubias will discuss the impact of AI in Africa and present our “AI for…

Join Access Partnership at UK Internet Governance Forum 2018 on 22 November in London

22 Nov 2018 | 09:00
Matthew McDermott, Public Policy Director EMEA at Access Partnership is among the organising committee of the UK Internet Governance Forum, taking…

Access Partnership to Lead Discussions at the Commonwealth ICT Round Table on 24 October

24 Oct 2018
Access Partnership’s Director for Emerging ICT Markets, Christopher Casarrubias will lead a discussion addressing the policy requirements for successful deployment…

Key Takeaways: Digital Leadership Forum “The Future of Data Privacy”

23 Oct 2018
Five months into the GDPR, the Digital Leadership Forum are already looking towards what comes next. The “Future of Data…

Key Takeaways from TIP Summit 2018

16 Oct 2018
On 16 October, Access Partnership attended the third annual Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Summit. Founded by Facebook, TIP is an…

Join Access Partnership at Booth #116 at OilComm in Houston, Texas

03-04 Oct 2018
Access Partnership is delighted to host booth #116 at OilComm trade show on 3-4 October, 2018, the leading forum for communications technology…

Key Takeaways From “The Ethics of AI” Event

03 Oct 2018
As machines become ever-smarter and better at making decisions, how do we ensure they behave ethically? This was the key…

Key Takeaways from VSAT Global Forum

20 Sep 2018
Access Partnership’s Director of Technical Advisory and Regulatory Engineering, Colin Thomson, chaired the second day of the VSAT Global Forum in London on 20 September, while Senior Consultant Daphné Joseph…
Webinar APAC

Join Access Partnership at VSAT Global & Next Generation Satellite Applications Conference in London

18-20 Sep 2018
Access Partnership are proud to partner with the VSAT Global & Next Generation Satellite Applications conference, taking place on 18-20 September at Park Plaza…

Key Takeaways from GSMA Mobile360 EU

18 Sep 2018
European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager and former European Commissioner and Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti were among the panellists at the 18 September EU…

Key Takeaways from the Singapore International Cyber Week

18-20 Sep 2018
As ASEAN Chair, Singapore pulled out all the stops for the third instalment of the Singapore International Cyber Week (SICW) on…

Join Access Partnership at Digital Leadership Forum’s “The Ethics of AI” Event

17 Sep 2018
Hear Access Partnership’s EMEA Public Policy Director Matthew McDermott as he speaks on the role of government in shaping public policy in an…

HAPS/RPAS: Time for the Bird to Fly the Nest

13 Sep 2018
On 13 September, Access Partnership hosted a roundtable discussion on the role of High-Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS) and Remotely Piloted…

Four Takeaways from the International Symposium on Converging Technologies & Disruptive Communications

10-11 Sep 2018
The National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC) Thailand hosted the International Symposium on Converging Technologies & Disruptive Communications Moving Forward on 10-11…
Debate APAC

Key Takeaways from the GSMA Mobile 360 Series – Digital Societies Event

05-07 Sep 2018
The GSMA Mobile 360 Series – Digital Societies conference in Bangkok, held from 5 to 7 September 2018, brought governments and mobile operators…

Finance 5.0: a Challenge for Cybersecurity?

25 Jul 2018
Access Partnership attended one of the last conferences before Brussels broke up for the summer holidays. Organised by the Austrian…

Access Partnership to Host “What’s Next in the US-China Trade War” Roundtable in London

12 Jul 2018 | 16:30
Join Access Partnership on 12 July to understand the escalating trade conflict, its impact on the tech sector, and why…

France-UK Digital Colloque

05 Jul 2018
On 5 July the French government hosted the France-UK Digital Colloque, the latest of a series on the France-UK Data Innovation Taskforce Report, published…