Tag archive: 2008
Bottom of the Pyramid and Mobile Payments
Approximately half the world’s population of over 6 billion people has access to a mobile phone and over 80 per...

Payments Asia Summit: Transformation of payment systems: channels, technologies and business models
A presentation at the Payments Asia Summit by John URE essay on school uniforms Downloads: 2009-03_TRPC_TransformationOfPaymentSystems_Presentation

Malaysia Broadband Conference: The Broadband Revolution: New Policies, Planning and Development ASEAN Trends
Presentation by John Ure to the Malaysian Broadband Conference, 10th Anniversary of the MCMC Download 2008-10_TRPC_TheBBRevolution_presentation.pdf

M-Banking and M-Payments in Asia Pacific
A presentation to the IFC Downloads: 2008-08_IFC_MPaymentsMBanking_Presentation

The video games market in China: Moving online
A report for KPMG solar battery Downloads: (internal doc) 2008-07_KPMG_VideoGamesInChinaMovingOnline_Report

TRPC Response Paper to "Industry Structure for Next Generation Access Networks", a Consultation Paper Issued by the IDA of Singapore
Our response paper to the following questions posed by the IDA of Singapore: Question 1: IDA seeks views and comments...

Telecommunications Development in Asia
No industry has expanded faster than telecommunications, gained so many new users, added so much value, spread so rapidly to...