Tag archive: John Ure
3G Auctions: A Change of Course (in Networking Knowledge for Information Societies: Institutions & Intervention)
3G Auctions: A Change of Course in Networking Knowledge for Information Societies: Institutions & Intervention Edited by Robin Mansell, Rohan...

Bottom of the Pyramid and Mobile Payments
Approximately half the world’s population of over 6 billion people has access to a mobile phone and over 80 per...

Artificial Intelligence – More Brawn than Brain?
The IT world is getting faster all the time. Telcos are upgrading to high speed broadband NGNs; the processing power...

When the Internet Went on Strike
On 18 January 2012 the Internet went on strike. Wikipedia and a whole host of Internet sites went dark for...

Capitalism and social services
Sir, Lawrence Summers and Samuel Brittan, in the “Capitalism in Crisis” series, complement each other in important ways. Prof Summers...

Year of the Dragonet?
Early in 2011 it was revealed that China was going ahead with an experiment to set up an Internet Special...

ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015
As various free trade negotiations hit the headlines –AFTA, TPP, BTAs, etc – ASEAN seems to be finding a new...

The Business Dynamics of Social Network Sites (SNS)
Social networking has become global based as it is on the Internet. Less certain has been its transformation into sustainable...

Steve Jobs (1955-2011): A Man of Our Times
Obituaries are best written before death, and in the media they are. They can be written in relative calm and...

Regulation Wars
The need for regulation arises for 3 reasons: to assign scarce resources; to protect citizens; and to promote public policy....

Phony Patent Wars
Anyone following technology markets cannot have missed the growing use of patent wars to cripple or extort or hamper or...

Wither Media?
The demise of Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World in the UK had nothing directly to do with competition from...

The Death of Telecommunications
The profits warning by KPN (Netherlands) in Apr set off alarm signals. When the CTIA, the wireless telecoms industry association...

The Risk Game
In the latest in an ever growing number of massive cyber security breaches the Sony PlayStation Network (PSN) and Online...

Social Networking and the Grassroots Voice
In 1381 the nobility of England were rocked by the Peasants Revolt. There was no Facebook. In 1848 the ruling...

Japan’s Tragedy
Natural disasters are at one and the same time to be expected and yet shock us to the core when...

Finally it happened. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) has run out of IPv4 numbers. The world now...

Quantifying the impacts of structural reforms in telecommunications markets in APEC economics, in The Impacts and Benefits of Structural Reforms in Transport, Energy and Telecommunications Sectors
Chapter 7: The Impacts and Benefits of Structural Reforms in Transport, Energy and Telecommunications Sectors in Quantifying the impacts of structural...

Chinese New Year Resolution
The Wall Street Journal (16 Dec 2010) cited an interesting research paper from the Asian Development Bank Institute in Tokyo...

WikiLeaks and Mirrors
Let’s put WikiLeaks into some sort of perspective. In the UK from the 1960s onwards Private Eye became a satirical...

Net Neutrality
The net neutrality issue has raised its head again, and this time Asia is getting involved in the debate. the...