Tag archive: Peter Lovelock
Watch TRPC’s Dr Peter Lovelock on NCAPEC’s Beyond Bogor webinar
The third installment of the Beyond Bogor Series focuses on Innovation and Digitalization as laid out by the APEC Putrajaya...

IIC Asia Webinar 8 July 2020: Regulation in Times of Pandemic and Lessons for the Future: A View from Southeast Asia
Wednesday 8 July, 2020 1630 SGT / 0430 EDT / 0930 BST / 1830 AEST Duration: 1.5 hours The COVID-19 pandemic...

Bank of Thailand – ADBI Conference on Innovative Finance for Future Growth
TRPC Director Peter Lovelock’s presentation during a panel sessions at the Bank of Thailand’s ADBI conference on “Innovative Finance for...

Regulating for a digital economy: Understanding the importance of cross-border data flows in Asia
A report by Joshua P. Meltzer and Peter Lovelock Unprecedented increases in global data flows have led to new economic...

UNDP Report on Framing Policies for the Digital Economy
Framing Policies for the Digital Economy Towards Policy Frameworks in the Asia-Pacific TRPC and Peter Lovelock were the primary authors...

The Importance of the Open Internet in Driving Internet Adoption and Growth- OpEd
The Asia-Pacific is gearing up in the Internet revolution, and policymakers must establish necessary regulatory frameworks to uphold the Internet values...

Tapping on the Digital Economy to Build Competitiveness and Resilience in Japan
In partnership with GLOCOM, the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), and Keio International Center for the Internet & Society...

APEC Symposium on ‘Good Policy and Regulatory Practices for Facilitating Trade and Investment in Telecommunications and ICT services
TRPC Director Dr. Peter Lovelock’s presentation at the APEC Symposium on ‘Good Policy and Regulatory Practices for Facilitating Trade and...

Director, Peter Lovelock spoke on the panel of “Opportunities from TVWS” in Philippines, 9 Jun 2014
This post appeared on Gov’t says roll-out of TV White Space to coincide with digital TV migration on June 16, 2014. Despite...

Bottom of the Pyramid and Mobile Payments
Approximately half the world’s population of over 6 billion people has access to a mobile phone and over 80 per...

Beyond Borders: The Implications of ICT on Trade
Digitization & web boom in the past two decades has led to the evolution of IP issues. There is a huge...

Next-gen Technologies & Cloud Computing: The Trade Agenda
Downloads 2011-03_PL_Next-genCloud_Presentation

Mobile Banking in Indonesia: Assessing the Market Potential for Mobile Technology to Extend Banking to the Unbanked and Underbanked (Final Report)
Mobile Banking in Indonesia: Assessing the Market Potential for Mobile Technology to Extend Banking to the Unbanked and Underbanked (Final...

Access Price Benchmarking for APCC
Access Price Benchmarking for APCC – a study produced for the Asia Pacific Carriers’ Coalition (APCC) Executive Summary 1. This...

Mobile Banking in Indonesia: Assessing the Market Potential for Mobile Technology to Extend Banking to the Unbanked and Underbanked
A Study for the IFC. Agenda • Introduction to the Study: Key Issues • Working Hypotheses • Focus Group Discussions...

Mobile payments in Asia Pacific
A report for KPMG. This report explores the development of the market for mobile payment systems in Asia Pacific and the...

Card payments in Asia Pacific: The state of the nations
Traditionally, Asia Pacific has been a region dominated by the use of cash. In recent times, the increase in the...

The state of the telecoms industry in Asia Pacific
A report for KPMG, printed Apr 2009. Downloads: solar panels for sale 2009-04_KPMG_StateOfTelecomsInAPAC_Report

M-Banking and M-Payments in Asia Pacific
A presentation to the IFC Downloads: 2008-08_IFC_MPaymentsMBanking_Presentation

The video games market in China: Moving online
A report for KPMG solar battery Downloads: (internal doc) 2008-07_KPMG_VideoGamesInChinaMovingOnline_Report

TRPC Response Paper to "Industry Structure for Next Generation Access Networks", a Consultation Paper Issued by the IDA of Singapore
Our response paper to the following questions posed by the IDA of Singapore: Question 1: IDA seeks views and comments...