Susannah Nightingale

Senior Manager, Connectivity

Susannah has over 15 years of public policy experience working with national and international governments, regulators, and non-governmental organisations.

Meet Susannah

Susannah is a seasoned leader in public policy and regulation with over 15 years public policy experience in the UK, Europe, and internationally. She has experience working in a variety of policy fields, including telecommunications, spectrum management, immigration, healthcare, and workforce policy. Prior to joining Access Partnership, Susannah’s most recent position was as the Director of Regulatory Policy and Operations at LS telcom, where she delivered global consulting assignments in regulatory policy, strategy, and management of radio spectrum.

Susannah also previously worked at Ofcom as a Public Policy Manager, where the organisation interacted with the government and parliament on projects spanning the spectrum and consumer portfolios. She also held the position of Associate at Incyte Consulting, where she provided specialised regulatory consulting services for the telecommunications industry, collaborating with clients that included the ITU. In addition to this, Susannah has worked as the communications regulator for the Falkland Islands Government. As the first appointee in this standalone role, Susannah’s focus was on the planning, implementation, and delivery of regulatory framework that best supported both consumers and industry on an isolated archipelago in the South Atlantic.

Susannah has a Masters degree in Public Policy and Management from Birkbeck College, University of London.

  • – Connectivity