TRP Fora: Inter-modal Data Sharing in Hong Kong with Lessons from the Transport Sector

Dates: 27 May & 24 June 2019
Venue: MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node

Photo by Jess Yu

Two phases of research for the Inter-Modal Transport Data-Sharing project have been shared with stakeholders during Phase 1 and Phase 2 forums funded by MTR and KMB respectively. All major transport companies participated in the Phase 1 presentation on 27th May 2019, and two forums were held for Phase 2 presentations on 24th June 2019. Ten Government agencies participated during the Phase 2 morning meeting, with 32 participants for Phase 2 afternoon session from different sectors that include NGOs, transport consultants, data analytics service providers and academics. All three fora were well-attended and well received, confirming acceptance of the ‘proof-of-concept’ for the consultative approach being taken. In particular, a focus has emerged on the importance and practical value of multimodal ‘use cases’, with operators and government agencies demonstrating strong interest.

Use cases will form the basis of the future research for the TRP Team working closely with transport companies, government agencies and sponsors. The team will evaluate the creation of a sandbox approach to test intermodal transport data sharing.

Download Presentation
Download: Use cases
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