Advanced Cloud Systems for Digital Government Development

28 & 29 June 2022 14:00 - 16:30

Governments across Southeast and South Asia are increasingly recognizing the benefits of cloud computing services in driving innovation and productivity, developing and delivering citizen services more efficiently and more extensively, increasing the speed and agility with which government works and responds, while improving security, and realizing cost, time, and manpower efficiencies.

Although governments for some time have been seeking to utilize digital technologies to increase operational efficiency and improve the citizen services of their various ministries and functions, these e-government or digital transformation strategies have had mixed results. Further, the impact and consequences of COVID-19 have highlighted and accelerated the need for cloud computing as a contributor to recovery, economic and social continuity, and resilience, in both the public and private sectors.

In order to ensure the usage of cloud computing technologies (as opposed to merely the deployment)—and in turn the usage of digital government services—this workshop draws from best practices from economies which have operationalized cloud computing services for digital government, and industry insights to set out core success requirements that need to be in place for effective government digital transformation.

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