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Tag archive: EU’sAI Act

The Fair Share Debate: Allocating Costs of Data Generation and Infrastructure

Independent Thinkers on Digital Independent Thinkers on Digital Live Podcast Debate on the Economic, Legal, and Ethical Implications for Companies...

16 May 2023 Events
The Fair Share Debate: Allocating Costs of Data Generation and Infrastructure
Responsible AI: From concept to practice

Responsible AI: From concept to practice

AI Policy Lab Join us for a thought-provoking webinar on the concept of Responsible AI: From Theory to Practice. As...

13 Apr 2023 AI Policy Lab events
Generative AI & the Creative Sector: The EU’s AI Act

Generative AI & the Creative Sector: The EU’s AI Act

AI Policy Lab As the European Parliament finalises its position on the AI Act, a critical debate has emerged surrounding...

3 Apr 2023 AI Policy Lab events